Attention: Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Online Marketers and Coaching Experts... 

"Just Give Me 5 Short Days, And I'll Show You The Exact "Step By Step" Method For Generating NEW Leads Who Are Excited To Buy From You!

Join The 5 Day Business Challenge (For FREE)

*** PLUS, Get Two NEW "List Building" Software Products (For FREE) When You Show Up To The Trainings!

"What Would You Do With An Extra

10, 20, or 30

New Clients Per Day!?!"

Join The "5 Day Business Challenge" (FOR FREE) And Learn How To "Turn-On" An Endless Stream Of Hot Leads For Your Business!

The 5 Day Business Challenge

DAY 1 - Unlimited Leads

We will kick off this EXCITING challenge on DAY ONE by showing you the high level strategy that we use to be able to generate leads on demand from the internet. It will be exciting as you see how this method will work for YOUR SPECIFIC business! This day is the only "lecture" day, everything else is workshops actually IMPLEMENTING what you learn each day!

DAY 2 - Unlimited Leads

Now that you've learned who your dream customers are, and how we find them, then next step is to build your first lead magnet. We will be showing you a simple process of taking your own framework, and then quickly building a "Onepager" that will act like a magnet to get people to come to you!

NOTE: On this day we will give you access to a NEW software platform (for FREE) that will help you to build your "Onepager" fast!

DAY 3 - Your Lead Funnel

After you've created your "Onepager," the next step is to place it inside of a very simple funnel called a "Lead Squeeze Funnel." The goal of this funnel is to convert your dream customers into actual leads!  You will be receiving dozens of AMAZING pre-built ClickFunnels funnels (FOR FREE) that you can quickly replace with your graphics, copy and "Onepager." 

DAY 4 - Follow Up Funnels

Now that you have leads coming into your funnel, it's essential that you quickly build a relationship with those leads. Your special guest trainer Yara Golden will come and teach you her simple 6 email follow-up funnel that will build a relationship with your leads so they will be excited to buy from you in the future! 

NOTE: this day you will also be given NEW SOFTWARE that will actually write these emails for you!

DAY 5 - Launch Your Funnel

Now that everything is in place, the last step is to actually launch your funnel!  Today you will have another special guest trainer Rachel Miller who is going to show you how to launch your funnel without paid ads!  That's right, you don't need to spend money initially to get leads! You'll learn stupid simple tactics that you can use to start building your list without ads!

Starting 20th August

10 AM - 11:30 AM EAT

Limited Space



Shuaib Timimi

Head of Marketing

Shuaib Timimi is a leading Business Strategist & Digital Marketing expert. Creator of the "The 5 Business Levels" methodology. He helps entrepreneurs share their message, impact lives, and 10x their revenue by selling their offerings to the world. 

Shuaib runs Diginess Growth Training & Consultant, one of the more dominant digital marketing companies in the world and has directly advised hundreds of CEOs and entrepreneurs on how to launch, grow and scale their companies to multi-6 and 7 figure businesses online.

“Just Give Me 5 Days...

And I'll Show You The Exact "Step By Step" Method For Generating NEW Leads Who Are Excited To Buy From You!”

*** PLUS, Get Two NEW "List Building" Software Products (For FREE) When You Show Up To The Trainings!

Contact Us

0790 - 488340

9AM - 5:30PM GMT+3


Raha Plaza, Next to PrideInn Hotel

Haile Selassie Rd, Mombasa Kenya

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